Sweet Honey from the Rock

Today, I drew an angry face and sent people "you suck" IMs.
Such as:

T: wait
T: who is this
>=( : you suck at recognizing people.
T: I know you're britt
T: NEwwb
>=( : how would you know?!
T: she would do something like this
>=( : she must be a geek shit.
>=( : she prolly sucks too.
T: shes good at sucking.
T: if thats what you mean
>=( : you suck cos if i lived by you'd
only use me for sex.
>=( : cos you're perverted.
>=( : you suck at sucking.


>=( : you don't suck.
>=( : but you're so nice sometimes, that i want to choke.
M: O_o
M: then i'd have to alpha ninja you o.o
M: only if you choke me lol xD
>=( : see.
>=( : you suck.
>=( : too nice.
M: lol its not like you can do anything to hurt me so why shouldn't i be nice$ O_o well there's always dishonoring me having no respect or shame stuff like that might put you on my off list =o
>=( : having no shame doesn't suck at all.
>=( : your grammar is off.
>=( : sucks.
>=( : i mean.
M: and your being a bitch? O-o is that what i should say?
>=( : hehe

I was rather unpleasant. =/
But, I did semi-apologize after and everything is all gee!
Check out my super happy face ----> :DDDDDDD

On a serious note:

7:30! Youth Service @ King's Cathedral.

Previous to this, I'd like to thank Dylan A. for inspiring me to go to and for saving me on the bus.
Long story short about the bus: We talked, I cried, I realized Dylan is living a good life, and I'm going to hell D:

Err... He's smiling cos the first step is allowing God into your heart and asking for forgiveness. Which I did. Next... TAKE ACTION!
He's also smiling because "Isn't it cool? When you go to Heaven you can tell God 'Hey! I got saved on a bus!'"

7:30! Youth Service @ King's Cathedral.
The "Purity Series" is going on right now.
Honest to God, it's amazing. The people were friendly and I actually felt really welcomed. I cried several times. The message couldn't have been more relevant to my life. I've done a lot of bad sh_t in my life and I may be hypocritical for awhile, but at least this is a step forward. So he without sin cast the first stone! Like Dylan, I'm "excited to see me [you] grow in my [your] relationship with God."


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