Baby J.

I met this boy name Jay
He launches himself out of windows
And listens to everything I have to say
He calls me beautiful cos I'm more than pretty
Compared to me, his words are way more witty
He saves electricity by using a lighter
Hangs his clothes instead of using the dryer
I think he's real cool
He'd rather ride his skateboard
Instead of his car
In any case, he's gonna go far
He dresses clean and has major swagger
But doesn't talk anything like a gangster
He calls me up just to say good morning
Laughs at my jokes even when they're not funny
Definitely isn't afraid to spend some money
Sweeter than a jar of honey
I could tell you a lot more about Jay
But as for now, this is all I'm gonna say


So, I totally met this really cool guy.
And I know this is a really stupid poem, but I decided to tell whoever reads this about him!

things i used to be

i used to pick out pretty things to wear
i wasn't so pretty when i met you
i was pretty everywhere else
i figured you didn't care
i used to feel pretty holding your hand

i don't hold your hand anymore
but i'm still pretty everywhere else

I never knew

I used to write words that charm
Embraced every vowel with open arms
One-liners stained my lips a dainty red
And I always meant the things I said

I used to have a spotless mind
Wrote heart-stopping lyrics from time to time
The fountain of venom that left my lips
Fueled the pen on my fingertips

Yet, here you've left me with nothing to say
My head screaming, come what may

Full Title: I never knew how much I liked rhyming until I realized how much I liked you. Sorry I'm not better at it.


More and more stoners everyday.
All of them younger and younger.
That kind of weirds me out.

That's all I got to say.

i am infinite.

i deemed infinitely falsely
for everything i do, flows and flows
and i have never been more free
i have never been more ensnared
but like these lines never stop moving
neither will i because
i love this vibe more than anything
more than the pieces on the floor
the ones i'm sanding down
with the soles of my feet
until i've left them long behind


"Not everyone last forever."

And for a second, my world spun on a different axis.

"Because some of us do."

To Infinity,
