Poetry Slam!

I won a prize with this... (: (:

This is love
Like eternal spring
Life free fall, catch me
I'm your kind of thing
This is love
He told me
And I replied back with...

This is love

And I'm not losing it to
Alcohol with specks of gold in them
Or ecstasy

No, not like those kids sweating to non-existent music
He's not rolling,
Rolling, rolling on the river
He's not a rolling stone
Not anymore
And neither am I
This. is. Love.

I'm not losing it
To petty arguments
Petty mistakes
Petty people and their "say so's"
Please say it ain't so
We know so
We know the cure

This is true ecstasy
This is love
Divine like the bible says
But not divided like the Red Sea
And even when we are
They've got planes,
And trains,
And cars,
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Because I know
This is love

The kind that makes it through
Or at least tries to

November 30, 2009
For Gabe G.
For Ms. Haina
For a good grade in English

One day.

You are far be it from that burning sphere in the sky
But you shine brighter than anything I've ever seen

I'm going to tell the love of my life this! (:


Reasons why today is awesome:

-There's a party to go to.
-I aced my Japanese test.
-I got accepted into the college that I want to go to.
-I realized majority of the people that go to HPU are ugly. (The packet they sent me was proof, but I'm going to apply anyway!)
-"You are so pretty Brittney. I am not sure if you know how pretty you actually are."
Thanks David <3
-It's Friday!
-My mom just kissed me on the forehead.
-Mr. O'breezy told me he's not excited for his future cos I'll be leaving.
-I'm excited for my future.
-My sister is buying me new Nike's.
-The song "Best I Ever Had" actually made me feel happy today.
-I lost weight.

(: (: (:


I have a lot of dreams with people I see on my Facebook.

This disturbs me greatly.

From now on,

I'm going to sleep a little better.

Everything I Can't Say

Dear __________,

My better half loves you still. Wishes you the best. Wishes you will continue to live your life the way you please, without a care in the world, without another obstacle in your way. My better half hopes and prays that when this is all done, you'll think fondly of "our" past, of me. Then turn around and... never. look. back. (This half hopes that it can do the same).

My worse half disdains you for everything you are worth. Disdains you for the predicaments you put me in I put myself in because of you. For the "I love you's" and even worse for the reasons. Wishes you the worst, wishes it could decide whether to believe or reject everything you say. This half wishes that when this all over, you would just disappear.

I still can't decide what half could put up with being just a "good friend."
But just like you, I just want to get better.
I want to be the one that matters.
So when this is all over, I'm saying goodbye.

Brittney Lahela Badayos